

If you spend enough time in Coventry, at some point you inevitably will cross paths with Alan, Coventry's talented independent film maker. Alan has been, for a long time, among the most dedicated of chroniclers for happenings in Coventry, both big and small. If you have not had the pleasure of meeting him in one… Continue reading Alan


The Kids are Alright

One of the many residents in Spon End with whom we got to talk to and collaborate with is Alan van Wijgerden. Alan is not only a talented filmmaker, chronicling local stories big and small, but also a creative writer, a poet, photographer and a keen miner of Coventry's city archives. We asked Alan if he wanted… Continue reading The Kids are Alright

Stories, Uncategorized


Our conversation with Philip took place on a sunny summer day inside his crowded Martial Arts shop on Spon Street. Philip's shop is very much at the centre of his life, and the colourful exterior reflects the 'colourful' interior making it stand out from the other shops on Spon Street. Philip, originally from Hong Kong,… Continue reading Philip